The ham is fucking A, ma.
You don't know how...how
fucking great it is to be home.
How you gonna act, huh?
You really want to know, Motown?
l'm gonna walk down Central Avenue.
My jump boots, my medals.
Shit, it's gonna be all right.
You'd better not wear your uniform.
Who's talking to you?
This man...has been fighting for the
fucking United States of white America.
And you going to try to advise him...
that he can't wear his jump boots.
You guys...don't know shit.
Commending General believes that
one of the most depressing problems
we face in Vietnam today
is Vineraal disease.
We have found the best way of contracting any one of
the nine known strands
of Syphilis, and or Gohnorrea is
to avoid contact with the indigenous.
Vietnamese female personnel.
However, remember, lie da
homo chai bokoo eeon.
Lie da homo chai bokoo eeon.
lt' the same anywhere Galvan.
You got to know the right words to score.