Hamburger Hill

Watcha doin' in Vietnam. Boy.
Volunteered, bro.
You know, the brothers
are here, because we're black.

They don't think we're educated.
That's bullshit.
Say what FNG? FNG?
Hey Andy, lack off, lack off!
My name isn't Alphabet. lt's Languilly, Vinny.
My first name is Vincent.

What's my name, Doc?
You're name is Vincent.
All right, get him outta here.
You Gl's are all...
You people will not
die on me in combat.

Galvin was good.
He always did everything right.

What difference does it make. We've been up and down
this same terrain since l got here. For what?

All right look.
When you get home.
You can throw your boots away.

Grow a beard, become
a Goddam hippie protestor.

l don't want to hear this shit.
Look, l know too many
Goddamm names, Wortchester.

And l don't think one of them is
worth all of Vietnam Republic of...

Look just don't fall apart on your people, Francz.
/Oh why not?

So l can teach 'em how to fill sand bags and burn shit.

They're gonna need you in
the Ashau. We're going back in.

What the hell you think
l brought you here for.
