Hamlet liikemaailmassa

Never lend money, you'll just lose
both your money and your friend.

If you ever borrow,
don't pay back too soon.

The lender may die
and you save a lot.

Farewell then, both of you.
Remember what I said, Ophelia.
What did he say?
Told me not to date Hamlet.
- What did you say?

I promised not to.
Lauri's a good boy,
too good in fact.

I wish he'd be more like you.
It's difficult to believe
you're twins.

He's got your mother's
weak blood in him.

Soft people won't get
anywhere these days.

What do you want me to do?
Continue your game with Hamlet.
His family's got too much money
to be left to some typist.

It's so strange.
Sometimes I feel he really likes me.
The look in his eyes
is almost human.

And it makes me so sad.
- He's just acting.

Nothing's certain until
the priest says "amen".
