No, no, l am not kidding.y
This doctor is pocking aroundn
with all the delicacy and compassion
of Joseph Mengele,l
and l'm warning him: "Listen,
l'm going to pass out."!
He says,
"No, of course you're not, old boy".
The next thing l know,
l'm on the floor,s
and he's standing there
like he's the one that needs help.
-He's problably afraid you'd sue him.
-l should do it!
Bill, l should do it, you know
all about that stuff.
l'll call you tomorrow.
We'll sue his ass.e
That's right, honey.t
And what's my darling daughter
l don't remember.
Oh, Julia,
you want some more wine?'
Uh, no more for me, thanks.?
-Stop. l won't be able to stand up.
-So lie down.
Would you all ex cuse me.
l think l'm going to go to bed.
Are your all right, darling?n
-We ought to be making a move, too.
-But, Bill!
Absolu...absolutely not!s
This is the night
of the paper hats here.
We're celebrating... something.
So sit down.
Good night..
You'll have to come to us next.