Himmel über Berlin, Der

Tell me, muse, the storyteller...
he who has been thrust
to the edge of the world...

both an infant and an ancient,
and through him reveal Everyman.

With time, those who listened to me
became my readers.

They no longer sit in a circle,
but apart...

and one doesn't know anything
about the other.

l'm an old man,
with a broken voice...

but the story
still rises from the depths...

and the slowly opened mouth...
repeats it as clearly
as it does powerfully.

A liturgy for which no one
needs to be initiated...

to the meaning
of the words and sentences.

Maybe she doesn't have the money
to see another doctor.

4 years since l saw her,
she's been sick for 2.

When will you pray with your
own words, and not for eternal life?

And then these young girls
make eyes at men...

So why am l living? Why am l living?
How will l pay?
With my small pension.
