Hey, I'm not buying that aspirin now!
At $800 a bottle, who'd want to?
Jack, you're becoming unglued.
You're coming apart at the seams.
Oh, my God, he's completely spaced out.
Let me handle this.
What the hell is that? Ozzie!
Ozzie, I can't hear you.
I hope you can hear me.
I'll proceed with the mission as planned.
Going to auto pilot.
Phase one:
Optic nerve interface.
Come on, baby, show me the way.
"Please wait?"
"Environmental adjust required?"
Doesn't anything work?
Pathway to optic nerve is as follows:
Superior gluteal vein to iliac vein...
... to inferior vena cava
passed right atrium...
... to superior vena cava
to right jugular vein to optic chiasma.
Let's drive.
Entering bloodstream.
You've always been like a son to me.
Well, a nephew, anyway.
You've got a great future ahead of you
in retail food marketing.
I'd hate to see you throw it all away
by going psycho on us.
- Coffee. Thank you.
- I got it down the hall.