ANNOUNCER: Okay, okay, okay,
that wraps up another audition night
at The Song Mart.
A great bunch tonight.
Good luck, kids.
Well, uh, what did you think,
Mr. Freed?
As an agent?
Let me tell you
what l told Tony Bennett.
Sing songs people already know.
That way, if they don't like it, they'll
still have something to applaud.
But we're not singers.
No, we're songwriters.
So? The Beach Boys
weren't songwriters?
Anthony Newley
isn't a songwriter?
l mean, if you wanna sell songs
today, you gotta have an act
with jokes, patter, segues.
Otherwise, frankly...
you're old, you're white
and you got no shtick.
You got no gimmicks.
ANNOUNCER: Auditioning tonight
at The Ad Lib for the first time,
please welcome Rogers & Clark e.