Before that, we were just guys...
with, uh, jobs.
And we wanted to be songwriters.
CHlLD 1 : Hey, ice-cream truck! Stop!
CHlLD 2: Over here!
CHlLD 3:
Stop being so stupid! Stop!
What's the matter, honey?
l feel like this is a very special part
of the evening.
A couple of years ago,
there was a very young
grey-haired couple here
celebrating their 51 st
wedding anniversary.
And last year, they came back--
for their 52nd wedding anniversary.
And l told them that if they came
back here the following year,
l'd have a song written for them.
And they're back.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomopoulos
celebrating this evening
their 53rd wedding anniversary.
MAN: Hear, hear!
WOMAN: How wonderful!
I promised I'd love you forever
A promise I'm planning to k eep