You gotta give yourself a break.
You've never been out
with anyone but your wife.
Yeah, but you gotta have
the looks, Chuck.
l mean, you walk into a place
like that and girls just want you.
You know, you got that kind
of face. Kind of mean-looking,
but with character.
And the way you walk, you can only
do that with a small body.
Did you ever hear of
a big sports car? l mean,
if l looked like you--
Oh, you have so idealised me.
l won't stand for it.
l just can't walk out on him.
He cries every 1 0 minutes, Carol.
He's like an orphan.
What are you doing?
l'm leaving you.
What are you talking about?
l don't want to see you again ever.
What do you care?
lf you never see me again,
it'll only be one time less a week
than you see me now.
Oh, Carol.
Your life is a joke.
Willa? Willa?
CHUCK: Hello, Lyle.
l'm outside on the ledge
of my apartment.
I've been fooling you, Lyle,
and I've been fooling myself.
l don't have any talent.
l don't have any money.
l'll never find Miss Right
and Carol left me.
Lyle, I can't mak e anything work.
Everything l told you is fake.
lt's all make-believe.
I'm a total failure.
Don't move, l'll be right over.
Listen, don't call the police.
lf this gets into the newspapers,
the scandal will ruin me
in show business.
You got it!
I mean it.
l won't call the police.
l won't call the police.
Mr. Clarke? Take it easy.
CHUCK: Damn it!
MAN: Take it easy, take it easy.