The KGB is here.
l recognise two agents.
The ones dressed as Texans?
The ones dressed as Arabs.
The ones dressed as Texans
are Arab agents.
l also recognise two guys
from Turkish intelligence.
ln the Hawaiian shirts?
No. The Bermuda shorts.
The ones in the Hawaiian shirts
are tourists.
lt's too bad you don't
have a girl. These would
make such nice presents.
Who you gonna give yours to?
My mother.
25 dirham more.
Too bad you can't
afford something better
for your mother.
You ought to try
socking some money away.
Behave normally.
We have guns pointed
at your back.
No, don't put your
hands up, you idiot!
Walk out casually
talking to us. Come on.
Birds are being netted.
Hunters unknown.
Repeat. hunters unknown.
MAN: Where are you from?
Um, Ponder, Texas.
Oh, l'm from near there.
You know Vermont?
You all right?
Come on!
Excuse me.
We're coming through!
He's not hiring you!
You get us out of here alive,
you'll get double your price.
Whatever you think it's worth.
Oh, my God!
ABDUL: This is the shop
of my uncle, the rug dealer.
Let's go.