for whom this map is a sign
to rise up against me.
Your Excellency.
May l speak?
Your Excellency, what good
will it do if we neutralise
these two Americans?
The map will still exist.
Yes, but they won't.
l see.
Once the people see that God
does not work miracles
for those who oppose me,
but that they are executed
as ordinary political prisoners--
No. lf two Americans die,
it has to be unofficially.
Congress will have a fit
if they find out
there's another ClA hit list.
How they die is unimportant,
as long as their bodies
do not disappear.
l want no more rumours.
And it has to be done
by next weekend.
l am planning to meet
with Gaddafi on Wednesday.
He calls me every day.
The United States government
will not be blackmailed.
However, l see no difficulty
in meeting your timetable.
ABDUL: Here we are.
Camel market. Shali Benimal.
l'll be back in a while.
Oh, right, l'll be here.
Where are you going?
l wanna keep an eye on him,
make sure he doesn't get into trouble.
Sorry. Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Sorry, l can't talk that accent.
ls this a hotel?
Uh, Mohamad?
l am Mohamad.
You're kidding? You're Mohamad?
First time up, l hit a home run.
l wanna buy a blind camel.