l'm American. Do you speak English?
l am speaking English.
You tell me, l tell him.
Thank you. Would you tell him
l want to buy a blind camel?
A blind camel.
He will find you a blind camel.
He also knows of a camel
which has a crippled leg
and no teeth.
He will sell you both
for a special price.
Would you like a dead camel?
No, no. Just tell him
l wanna buy a blind camel.
He'll know what l mean.
So your friend told you
about Mohamad. And you,
no doubt, told the ClA.
That's what l thought
might happen.
l've been looking for you.
Why? ls your life in danger again?
What do you need this time,
a donor heart?
l want the contents of my suitcase.
Sure. Here.
lt's in my room at the Chez
Casablanca. Help yourself.
Don't play with me.
l'm not such a fool!
Half an hour after you left this
morning, l broke into your room
and l stole the suitcase.
The map was not in it.
Oh, is that where the map was?
Gave it to Jim Harrison,
didn't you? ClA has it?
No, l didn't tell them
about the suitcase.
You're lying. You went through
the suitcase, you found the map!
You found the map!
You gave it to Jim Harrison!
Hey, shoot me or lower your voice
and stop throwing Jim Harrison
up to me.
The only reason Jim Harrison
hired me was because you
recruited Lyle as a communist.
l gave you my passport.
l carried all your stuff out of lshtar.
Why didn't you recruit me
as a communist?
Wasn't l good enough?
l don't know
what you're talking about.