Good night, Polly!
Amity Police Department.
(Door closes)
Hold it!
There's an old dock piling
in the channel.
Maybe it'll just keep on
drifting till it goes away?
- It's stuck on a channel marker.
- Good night, Polly.
(Door closes)
Uh-huh. It... Hold it!
It has to be cleared
before the fishermen come back.
Where's Lenny?
Out to Ben Master's place.
Cow tipping.
Cow tipping?
Says kids tip over his sleeping cows.
They're not givin' milk.
OK, I'll take care of it.
Deputy Brody will
take care of it personally.
Call home, tell 'em I'll be late.
- Uh-huh.
- Cow tipping!
# The first Noel
# The angels did say
# Was to certain poor shepherds
# In fields as they lay... #
- No, no, no, no! Hold it!
- # In fields... #
Hold it! Together, people!
Together, remember?
All right. Let's try it again.
Two, three.
# (Band intro ) #
Where the hell are the Wise Men?
Good luck, Harry.
I'm gonna need it with this bunch.
Sounds better than
when I was a shepherd.
(Harry ) Joseph,
where the hell is your robe?
You're supposed to be
in costume! Jesus!
I'm over here!
# In fields as they lay
# In fields where they
# Lay keeping their sheep
# On a cold winter's night
# That was so deep
# Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel