(Jake's wife ) And a sugar bowl
and a creamer.
(Thea) Can I put real tea in it?
(Jake's wife ) Yes, real tea.
(Thea) Can I make sandwiches?
(Carla) Yes.
(Woman) Thea, we forgot
the Christmas carols.
(Jake ) Carol from the grocery store?
(Jake's wife ) Oh, will you stop it?
# Hark, the herald angels sing
# Glory to the newborn King... #
I miss him, Mom.
(Singing continues)
- I want you to change your work.
- Mom, please don't start that.
- You could teach or write...
- I'm not gonna quit now.
(Laughter inside )
You're all I have left. I don't want
you working in the water.
# Glory to the newborn King... #
Mom, what I do is perfectly safe.
At the moment,
we're collecting big snails.
Jake and I are scientists.
We're almost PhDs.
We know what we're doing.
There's nothing to worry about.
# Christ is born in Bethlehem... #
(Ellen) Oh, great.
(Chattering on boat)
And, well, we have to dig
the ditch really deep...
so the water'll go all the way
around and we can swim in it.
(Giggles) You're silly.
You know what? Let's pretend
this is Buckingham Palace.
And you'll be Princess Di,
and we'll have a parade with horses.
And you'll ride in a golden carriage,
and we'll...
(Thea) And I can invite
Cinderella to the ball.
She'll come
in a golden carriage, too.
(Thea, distant) And we can have
cookies and punch and cake.