Jaws: The Revenge

Yeah, it's OK for you,
but not for me, huh?

Have no fear, Jake is here.
I just struck the mother lode.
I'm counting.

(Michael) 'Watch yourself with
that fancy equipment, buddy.'

Such a live wire'll
make your hair stick up funny.

That's good, Michael. William?
Yeah, there's no hope for that boy.
Jake? Jake, that's a joke.
Holy shit!
We got a big fish down here, man.
Oh, yeah? How big?
- Jesus!
- Look out!

(Hoagie ) What's wrong?
Jesus Christ!
- (Hoagie ) Ellen, what's wrong?
- Nothing. Nothing. I'm fine.

- No, you're not.
- I'm terrific.

Come on!
Give it up!
You can't keep doing this.
- I can't keep doing THIS.
- You promised me a drink.

Sharks come and go, Ellen.
People have nothing to do with it.

- A drink with an umbrella in it.
- Ellen, give it up.

Give it a kick in the arse.
Get on with your life.
I know what you've been through.
Don't worry.
The nightmares'll go away.
