When I die, you'll live here.
The Soubeyran farm will be yours.
Meanwhile, you should fiix up
your place up there.
Later you'll be able
to rent it to a farmer...
or leave it to your kids.
- For that, I'd need a wife.
- So?
There are plenty of girls
around here...
who'd jump to marry
a Soubeyran.
There's Chabert's daughter.
I bet if you wanted to--
I have no mule--
I'm using yours.
I have no hens or goats--
they're too much trouble.
I don't wear socks--
they itch.
So why would I need a wife?
What about love?
When I'm in Aubagne, I drop in
on those girls. That clears my mind.
For 1 5 francs a month,
I can choose any girl.
That's all I need.
You don't want to end up
a bachelor like me.
Before I die, I want to see
a child of yours.
Why didn't you ever get married?
Before I think of marriage,
I'd better think of work.
Do you have any plans?
I have an idea for you.
I thought it all out.
I fiigured out everything,
including the costs.
What is your idea?
To restore the Soubeyran orchard...
to the way it was
in my father's prime.
Two hundred fiig trees,
two hundred plum trees...
two hundred almond trees...
a thousand trees...
planted in rows, 30 feet apart.