Jean de Florette

- Why?
- That's the way she is.

What can we do?
Florette won't come back.
As a young woman, she loved money.
She's probably worse now.
So she'll sell,
but no local farmer will buy.

They own too much land already.
- A stranger might buy it.
- What the hell for?

To grow vegetables or flowers,
like me!

- Without water?
- There's the spring.

- What if there was no spring?
- But there is one!

You'll never learn.
Here's my plan.
It's already half stopped up.
- An accident could shut it completely.
- What accident?

Suppose you walk by
with a load of cement.

You trip, you fall and... bang!
Your cement plugs up the opening.
Here it is!
Good God! It's icy!
Hurry up, you idiot!
Here's the hole!
Give me the plug!

No! The little one!
