Damn! They always do that to me!
I'll be back tomorrow.
Damn beasts!
I guess you folks are here
for a little holiday.
A holiday that will last
until I die.
I'll live in the shade of these pines,
in peace and bliss...
for as long as God
grants me life.
That sounds nice,
but how will you get water?
We have a cistern here.
It's small. Without rain,
you'll be out of water.
I also inherited a spring.
A spring? Where?
It's marked
on a surveyor's map.
I'll show you.
Maybe you can help me.
This little circle is a well,
or a spring.
Where's the rosemary patch?
The spring is about a mile away,
at the end of that valley.
That's ours too.
I know the place!
It's beyond that hill.
It's a steep climb
up to the spring.
The water's good, but the stream
is as wide as my thumb.
I hope it's not far.
At least an hour's walk.
We'd only need to go
once a week.
It'll be our Sunday walk!
A Piedmontese lumberjack
and his wife live in the grotto.
The wife is sort of a witch.
She knows everything.
They're nice, they're clean.
But if it bothers you, they'll leave.
God forbid! If they're happy there,
I won't chase them away.
We'll go there soon.
This water problem is serious.
There's no rush.
Right now my well is full so you
can come by for a bucket or two a day.