a modern breeder can obtain
within three years...
a monthly yield of 500 rabbits.
But this expert warns
that raising over 5,000 head...
becomes a public health hazard.
With 1 ,000 males
and 5,000 females...
a breeder would be overrun with
30,000 rabbits the fiirst month...
and two million
by the tenth month!
A province or even a whole country
could be wiped out by famine!
- Really?
- Tell him about Australia!
That unfortunate continent,
1 4 times bigger than France...
almost perished from
an immigrant's pair of rabbits.
Those rodents stripped
entire fiields and prairies bare!
They had to build
a 1 2,000-mile electrifiied fence...
and they had to slaughter
millions of them.
Are you planning
to raise that type here?
Certainly not.
I think the Australian climate
caused the breed's destructiveness.
Thank God!
So, you plan on 500 a month?
I'm all for moderation.
I'll be satisfiied
with a fourth of that.
I'm counting on 1 50 a month
within two years.
No more than that.
That makes more sense.
just cleaning out the cages
is a big job.
- That's no problem!
- How come?
I want to see my rabbits run
and hop about!
I'll raise them the modern way--
What about the foxes?
You forget the fence--
six feet high, galvanized iron!
A six-foot fence
won't stop a fox. Never!
But galvanized iron might.
That's why I plan to use
underground burrows...