-I know what they cost.
-Can you sail this?
What's wrong with you?
It's not a sailboat.
That's what I thought.
There's no trick. That's the front,
that's the back, water all around.
Why you gotta make things
so complicated?
I don't. Things get complicated
all by themselves.
You mean
Amanda Hunsaker's murder, huh?
Did I mention that? I didn't.
Didn't have to.
I can read your mind.
What's the matter with you?
-Why is there a problem?
-There's no problem.
You got one dead girl
and one dead guy.
The guy kills the girl. We kill him
because he wants us to be dead guys.
That's easy for you to say.
A sugar daddy is dealing drugs.
She said, did or saw something
she wasn't supposed to.
He pitches her off the balcony
into the sweet by-and-by.
That's why he came at us
with a shotgun today.
I'm sorry. It's just a little too neat.
I can't swallow it.
Of course it's neat.
What's wrong with neat? I like neat.
By neat, you mean simple.
-You okay?
-Watch out!
What button did you push?
Where's my manual?
Is this what you're looking for, captain?
You asshole!
Didn't mean to interrupt one of those
intellectual conversations...
Mark asked me to a club tomorrow night.
-You're grounded. You know that.
-Please, Daddy?
Which one is Mark?
-The blond one.
-With pits in his face?
Those are dimples.
Pits. When he smiles, I can see
through his head. The answer is no.
Have a heart, Rog.
Hey, buddy. She smoked pot
in the house. She's grounded.
Why can I have a beer
and I can't smoke a joint?
It's not coke, you know.
I'll tell you why.
Because now, at this moment...