-Like I said, thin.
-Probably nothing.
Did you see that? Wasn't that great?
What are you, a fag?
Your coat's on fire!
-Probably nothing.
-Thin. Very thin.
You guys okay?
Got all your fingers and toes?
Three William 56.
We got a fire and explosion
at 111th and Larch.
Request ambulance and fire department.
Do it again! Do it again!
-Give me a break, guys.
-Enough, enough!
Do you think Dixie was home?
What you got?
Part of the device.
This is artwork.
This is goddamn artwork.
This is real pro stuff. I haven't seen
anything like this since the war.
The CIA used to hire mercs.
They used the exact same setup.
Mercury switches, gaflooey!
That's heavy shit.
We got something.
The detective wants to see you.
Okay, here it is.
Some kids playing this morning...
...one saw a guy checking the meter.
-Here at Dixie's.
He was playing under the porch.
Says he saw the guy pretty good.
-It could be a break.
-Those kids are six years old.
-You call the gas company?
-Sure did.
No one's supposed to check
that meter for at least a month.