Long xiong hu di

May God bless you.
According to our latest report over
3000 new disciples joined last month.

Come in...
Tell them come in.
This time we're getting more.

It means more
believe in our religion.

Well done...
What about the harvest?
The poppies produced
3,600kg of opium.

It can be delivered soon.
I'm tired.
This long flight of stairs
is killing me.

Get going. No more nonsense.
Hurry up.
We've also made 2,500kg
of morphine,

700kg of heroine
and 300kg of cocaine.
Apart from reserving some for our own use
it's all exported for fund-raising

or for preaching purposes.
The new tranquilliser we've had under
research has been successfully made.

Chief, Asian Hawk and Alan are here.
The agents of many countries
are interested in it.

- We must mass-produce it.
- Take care of this.

When the plant at hillside
starts production

we can cope with our needs...
Friend, could you
cut short your report?

My report's over.
Brothers, after 30 days hard work,
today is festival once again.

The Goddesses are now here.
We should thank our true God.
Supreme Creator.
Thank you for bringing us
to this world

for creating the sun, moon and stars
to shine on our life.
