Want to play whore again?
Sorry. Good night.
You want to see
the Armour of God now?
How about seeing it tomorrow?
I really want to see it.
I'll show it to you.
What are you doing?
- You act as if Laura were kidnapped again.
- It's nothing.
Why do you need me then?
Can't I just pay you a visit?
Go and see Laura then.
She won't do anything.
So you come to see me?
What do you want?
Sorry, I don't know how to put it.
What is it?
Did you notice
anything wrong with Laura?
It's natural
after a long confinement.
She looks funny to me.
She's no longer as young as she was.
She wants to see the Armour of God
now. Isn't that a bit fishy?
Fishy yourself.
She's always been curious.
And she was kidnapped for it.
Let her see it.
Borrow it from May then.