
It was built by my grandfather,
Tough Teddy Prince.

My father ran it
until he passed away recently.

I'm sorry.
He was very old.
And he died the way he wanted to.

In women's lingerie.
Pardon me?
Heart attack,
walking through the women's department.

They don't have that sign quite right yet.
-Look out!
-Sorry, man.

Watch yourself!
I got it!
Young man, I'm sorry!
No, that's no problem!
-lf I can make it up to you in any way.
-Yeah! I could use a job!

-What do you do?

-When can you start?
-As soon as I finish this!

-Young man, what's your name?
-My name? Jonathan Switcher.

You're hired!
Thank you! My lucky day.
Every time I walk through these doors,
I feel like I'm home.

I practically grew up here.
Greta Garbo used to get
her makeup right over there.

Of course, you probably don't know
who Greta Garbo is.

Sure, I do. Ninotchka, Grand Hotel.
I don't sleep much at night.
Neither do I.
At least, not in the two weeks
since I've been in charge here.

I don't know how we're going to make
this store great again.

Looks fine to me. What time do we open?
We are open.
I'm sure things'll pick up by lunch.
Yes, B.J....
It's all going according to plan.
It's like a ghost ship around here.

They're gonna be begging
to sell this place within a month.
