and all the waiters
wearing green leather waders.
Yes, it was.
Oh, yes, that's right.
This house is his.
Did he tell you?
- No, he didn't.
- Oh, it is.
Under my late husband's will.
I must move to the dower house
as soon as he marries.
A fourth year at Cambridge
would little profit a yokel like Clive.
He must take his place
here in the countryside.
There's the game to consider.
There are the tenants.
There'll be his duties as a magistrate.
And unless there's a war...
there's his political future.
He ought to spend the year
traveling instead.
He must see America
and, if possible, the colonies.
He speaks of traveling.
He wants me to go with him.
I trust you will,
but not Greece, Mr. Hall.
That is traveling for pleasure.
Dissuade him from Greece.
I'd prefer America myself.
Naturally. Anyone sensible would.
Pippa says he writes verse.
Have you seen any?
Mr. Hall, is there someone?
Some... Newnham girl?
Pippa declares there is.
Pippa had better ask, then.
Did I hear my name, Mr. Hall?