Where shall I put
the hot-water bottle?
You mustn't do
this sort of thing.
You mustn't. It's filthy.
It doesn't worry me.
I don't say this just to please you.
You can carry on all night
as far as I'm concerned.
Although the doctor's coming up.
He'll see me like this.
I hope he does.
Oh, hello, Jowitt.
Sorry to call you out so late.
I'm just curious, chap.
He, uh - He fainted at dinner...
and he can't stop crying.
Been working hard?
Yes. And now he says
he's going to Greece.
So he shall. You clear out now.
Told your sisters none of you
were to come into this room.
- My sisters, yes. I'm looking after him.
- You equally.
Miss Kitty has telephoned
to the institute for a nurse.
Why is everything done
in such a damned hurry?
- I thought a nurse might amuse him.
- Can't we amuse him?
I can nurse him myself.
Oh, have you wheeling the baby next.
Beg your pardon?
I suppose I ought to have the nurse.
She can...
make you more comfortable than I can.