I wish you happiness.
- Hello.
- Mr. Hall, please.
Hall. Hall. For you.
Argentine Northern Land,
gone up again.
- Hmm. Up six.
- Hello.
Hello, Maurice.
You'll have heard my news.
- Yes, but you didn't write, so I didn't.
- Quite so.
The wedding's next month.
You'll be an usher?
- Best of luck.
- Anne's with me.
She wants to talk, too.
- I'm Anne Woods.
- My name's Hall.
Maurice Christopher Hall.
Mine's Anne Clare Wilbraham Woods.
But I can't think of anything to say.
You're the eighth friend of Clive's
I've spoken to this morning like this.
- Eighth?
- Yes, the eighth.
I'll give Clive a turn. Good-bye.
Maurice, Anne has a hundred pounds
in her pocket. Would you invest it for her?
- Certainly. What sort of thing?
- Whatever you fancy.
- I'm not supposed to fancy more than four percent.
- Barclay Perkins.
Brewing and distillers.
They're at five percent.
Or there's Argentine Northern Land.
They've gone up a sixth.
- Land investments. How about -
- I like the last one best.
Very well.
Send the check here, would you?
Can't you come down to Pendersleigh next week?
It's short notice, I know,
but later everything's gonna be chaotic.
I'm afraid I can't do that very well.
Hill's getting married, too.
Things are more or less busy here.
And after that,
Chapman's marrying Ada.
Well, uh, come in September.
Not October, because that's almost
certainly the by-election.
But come in September and see us through
that awful Park versus Village cricket match.
All right.