
Before we get carried away
on the flood tide.

Pippa, tell Simcox to bring up
my nightcap, will you?

The cellar will be awash by now.
Why is my house falling down?

Anne. Maurice, are you coming up?
A saucer would have done thejob.
How very kind of you.
Down. Down there a bit.
Little bit more.

More. Bit more.
Down. Down.

Someone will have to get up
in the night, change the bowl.

As soon as my body developed...
the obscene imaginings began.
I thought that some...
individual curse
had descended on me.

My schooling was pure enough.
A terrific scandal there
before my arrival...

meant that we were drilled all day...
and policed all night.
I had little chance, therefore...
to talk about such experiences
with my school fellows.

I am the only son in my fam -
Oh, Maurice, I am glad.
Well, it's the greatest thing on earth.
Perhaps the only one.
Anne guessed as much.
Aren't women extraordinary?
