
"When... the soul...
"gazes upon... the beauty...
"of that being-its beloved-
"it nu-is nurtured...
and warmed... and is glad."
Fetherstonhaugh, continue, please.
"When the beloved
has made him welcome...

"and begun to enjoy his...
conversation and-"
- "Society."
- "Society."

"When their intimacy is...
"and the loved one...
"has grown used...
"to being near his friend...
"And touching him in...
the gymnasium and elsewhere-"
"The current which Zeus
in love with Ganymede...

called 'the stream of longing' -"
Omit the reference
to the unspeakable vice of the Greeks.

Ah. Yes, sir.
"He- He is experiencing
a counterlove-

"a reflection
of the love he inspires-

"and he thinks of it
as friendship, not love.

"Though, like his lover...
"he feels a desire to see...
to touch, to kiss him. "
"The unspeakable vice of the Greeks"?
The hypocrisy of the man.
He ought to lose his fellowship.

- Oh, come on!
- No, as a point of pure scholarship.

All the poor old dean can understand
is the physical act.

- I'm not advocating that.
- Cold as a fish on a marble slab. See?
