l commiserate with you over your loss.
Thank you, l appreciate it.
Varlam is not dead, no!
His soul is here, over us,
it's hovering in the air.
Tseretso is here.
Pull yourselves together!
Thank you very much, patron.
l appreciate it.
Hurray for our benefactor Tseretso!
Let's give him a round of applause!
Ladies and gentlemen!
ln a few minutes
the parting bell will ring
and we'll commit to the earth
the remains of a great son of his
motherland, a man of a lofty soul,
a bright mind
and a kind heart,
loved by everyone,
our highly esteemed
Varlam Aravidze.
l think many of you have taken
notice of the highly emotional
and wise inscription on the wreath
from the friends of the deceased.
''One dead man is sometimes better
than a thousand live ones.''