Excuse me chief...
Can I talk to you?
How many times do I have to tell you
not to call me chief?
Excuse me Ar. Bernstein.
Ben, my name is Ben.
You've been here for almost a year,
You aren't a beginner.
Everybody calls me Ben
Hello Cliff!
Hello Eddie!
Your article is marvellous,
You will get another Pulitzer.
Will I see you tonight?
Give me a call later.
Sensationalist news don't keep a
Newspaper running
Is the little things,
what you write.
That's what brings life to
our pages,
The Obituaries?
I don't think so...
Hello boss!
Scupp, sensational article,
Sit down, I'll be right with you.
Hello Scupp!
Hello big guy!
How is it going?
We were talking about a more
important assignment for Richard
Very good, very good,
I'm convinced that I can
write a good article,
maybe, a politic theme,
something deep.
Third murder in closet,
Police is baffled.
The only reason why I
got this job...
Richard, nobody cares about
how you got this job.
Just a moment, chief,
Dick is right about that...
We never gave him an opportunity
he always gets the garbage.
And guys like me,
always get the chocolate candy.
Let's give him an opportunity.