It's really hut, isn't it?
Take a sit in the living room,
I'll be right there.
You aren't respecting the
sixth amendment
But it is a creature of God.
I don't want to have an argument
with you, I just want to point out...
Aister Clark!
Doctor, Reverend.
Aartin I don't want to kill him,
I just want to communicate with him.
I don't think they are going to
give him an opportunity.
An opportunity! Ay God,
He has killed 5 people!
That creature is more frightened
than us,
Any wild animal would kill
when rounded up, it's natural.
If we could make him understand
that we won't hurt him,
And that our intention is
to communicate with him.
We would reach an priceless
scientific discovery.
As. Benett!
Is there anything wrong Diane?
Stop! Professor stop that thing.
What's happening?
That sound, what was it?
What sound? The monster's sound?
Play it again.
Why didn't I think about this before?
I think we've found the key