Don't move, raise your hands,
you're all under arrest!
Who do they think they are,
the blue helmets? Shit!
I'm trying to save human lifes
And you are playing hide and
seek with King Kong.
General, There are many different
ways of saving lifes,
When I was a little boy,
I found a little frog,
I could've taken it...
Little frogs! I'm sick
of your little frogs,
Why don't you get down to hearth?
Don't you realize
what's going on here?
This is not a Kids game,
gentlemen, I've been informed...
That the panic has spread to
Boston, N. Y, Chicago, Detroit...
General, we got it.
Does it follow any guidelines?
I knew it.
It looks like the monster
moves in semicircles between...
the 45º South and the 37º Northeast,
each 9 hours, in a distance of
3Km and 750 m.
And what doest it mean?
From our calculations
the monster should be around here.
In the Public School?
Watson School