Monster in the Closet

In just about 24 hours,
the only thing left here,

will be that strange creature
that hides in the closets.

Here is General Turball,
possibly with more information

General, what are you going to do
after the evacuation?

Who knows!
I don't know how to stop that beast,

He has a protective armour,
what? How?

I don't care if I'm on T.V.!
Next week we might not have T.V.!
Shit, our nuclear weapons are
like toys for that monster!

If he gets close to our big cities
It will be...

The President called an extraordinary
Congress meeting,

up until now, they didn't
come up with an explanation.

Where is he coming from,
how did he get here?

We only know that none of our
weapons could stop him,

The United Nations are studying
the threat that the creature...

represents for the world safety
but up until now...

Nobody seems to know how
to stop him.

I think it's time to pray,

To pray for the whole world.
God bless...
Friday, 18 of Aay.
Bless his soul. Oh heavenly father
of he who died. He who valued

life over death and also valued
death over life. Life over death...

10:21 de la maƱana.
Because he was a man that sincerely
believed in his heart

And death over life because
he knew it was better to die for...

What are you doing here?
The town is evacuated.

I'm sorry to bother you but
I have a couple of questions.
