- No woman since then?
- No.
- Stupid.
- When your husband get hit?
Seven years ago.
- How many men since then?
- Just Johnny.
- Stupid yourself.
- Unlucky.
- I've not been lucky.
- I don't care about luck.
You understand me?
It ain't that.
What's the matter with you? You think
you're the only one who shed a tear?
Why are you talking to me?
You got any whiskey? How about
you get me a glass of whiskey?
I'll call you later.
- She was right to leave me.
- You think so?
- Yeah.
- You really are stupid.
You don't know nothing about it.
Look, I was raised
that a girl gets married young.
I held out for love.
I got married when I was 28.
I met a man. I loved him.
I married him.
He wanted to have a baby right away.
I said we should wait.
Then he gets hit by a bus.
What do I got?
No man, no baby, no nothing.
How did I know that man
was a gift I couldn't keep.
My one chance at happiness.
You tell me the story, and you
act like you know what it means...