
but I can see what
the true story is and you can't.

That woman didn't leave you, okay?
You can't see what you are,
and I see everything. You're a wolf.

- I'm a wolf?
- Yeah.

The big part of you has no words,
and it's a wolf.

That woman was a trap for you. She
caught you, and you couldn't get away...

so you chewed off your own foot.
That was the price
you had to pay for your freedom.

Johnny had nothing to do with it.
You did what you had to do
between you and you.

And now you're afraid...
because you know
the big part of you is a wolf...

that has the courage
to bite off its own hand...

to save itself from the trap
of the wrong love.

That's why there's been no woman
since that wrong woman. Okay?

You're scared to death
of what the wolf will do...

- if you make that mistake again.
- What are you doing?

- I'm telling you your life.
- Stop it.

Why are you marrying Johnny?
He's a fool!

Because I have no luck.
He made me look the wrong way,
and I cut off my hand!

He could make you look the wrong way.
You could lose your whole head!

I'm looking where I have to
to become a bride!

- A bride without a head!
- A wolf without a foot!

Wait a minute!
What are you doing?
Son of a bitch!
Where are you taking me?
To the bed.
Oh, God.
Okay, I don't care.

Take me to the bed.
- I don't care about anything.
- I don't believe this is happening.

- I was dead.
- Me too.
