
- And you won't come to the wedding.
- I'll come to the wedding.

- I'm telling you, you can't come!
- He wants me to come.

That's because he don't know.
Now wait a minute.
Honey, listen.

All right. I won't come
to the wedding, provided one thing.

- What?
- You come with me tonight to the opera.

- What are you talking about?
- I love two things.

I love you, and I love the opera.
If I can have the two things that I love
together for one night...

I would be satisfied
to give up--

To give up the rest of my life.

All right.
- Meet me at the Met.
- All right.

- Where's the Met?
- You gotta--

Bless me, Father,
for I have sinned.

It's been two months
since my last confession.

What sins have you to confess?
Twice I took the name
of the Lord in vain...

once I slept with the brother
of my fiance...

and once I bounced a check
at the liquor store...

- but that was really an accident.
- Then it's not a sin.

But what was
that second thing you said?

The one about once I slept
with the brother of my fiance?

- That's a pretty big sin.
- I know.

- You should think about this.
- I know.

All right. For your penance,
say two rosaries.

Be careful, Loretta.
Reflect on your life.
All right.
