Planes, Trains & Automobiles

[Cracking Neck]
Traffic is resuming
at O'Hare field,

and flights will be
moving shortly.

What, what?
That's it!
Without clearing my sinuses,
I'll snore all night.

If your kid spills his milk,
do you slap him?

What-what-what is that
supposed to mean?

You're not a very
tolerant person.

You've bugged me
since New York,

starting with
stealing my cab.

God, you're a tight-ass.
How would you like
a mouthful of teeth?

Oh, and hostile, too.
Nice personality combination...
hostile and intolerant.
That's borderline criminal.
Screw you.
You spilled beer
all over the bed,

you mess up
the bathroom...

Who let you stay?
I even let you pay,
so you wouldn't feel
like an intruder.

An intruder?
Right. You ruined a nice trip.
Who talked my ear off
on the plane?

Who was that?
I'm curious.

Who told you to book a room?
I did.

You're an ungrateful jackass.
Sleep in the lobby.
I hope you wake up so stiff
