Between two pillows.
Those aren't pillows!
Oh, no!
Oh! Oh!
See that Bears' game
last week?
Hell of a game.
They're going all the way.
Ohh, yeow.
Neal, take my socks
out of the sink
if you're going
to brush your teeth.
Where are you?
I'm in Wichita.
I'm at a motel
with this guy
I met on the plane.
You shared a motel room
with a stranger?
Are you crazy?
I'm getting there.
Did you call the airline?
I have a good chance
of getting on standby.
If they told you
wolverines make
good house pets,
would you believe them?
I'm not spending
Thanksgiving in Wichita.
I'll get home.
Not by airplane.
They got 18 hours of air traffic
backed up.
We're going to be having
our turkey roll
right here.
If we wait
for the flight.
How else can we get home?
Burt Dingman.
He works for the railroad.
I sold them all their
shower curtain rings.