All right.
Who wants to sing a tune?
Who's got a song?
I got one, uh...
Neal Page has got one.
# Three coins
in a fountain #
# Each one
seeking happi... #
# Seeking happiness #
# Thrown by three
hopeful lovers ##
# Flintstones,
meet the Flintstones #
# They're the modern
stone-age family #
# From the town
of Bedrock #
# They're a page
right outta history #
# When you're
with the Flintstones #
# Have a yabba-dabba-do
time #
# A dabba-do time #
# You'll have
a gay old time ##
My name's Del Griffith.
I'm with the American
Light and Fixture Company,
jewelry division.
I've got a great deal.
This is your Diane Sawyer
autographed earring.
Do you ever watch Sixty Minutes?
This is Czechoslovakian ivory.
That's it. It's $5.00.
This is your
Walter Cronkite moon ring.
Thank you.
They are filled
with helium,
so they're very light.
Thank you.
This is an autographed
Darryl Strawberry earring.
All right!
These are very
special earrings.
These were originally
for the Grand Wizard of China
back in the fourth century.
These aren't
the originals,
but they are replicas.
Very good replicas, too.
They're selling
for $5.00 a pair.
# Spring over the ground
like a hunting hound #
# For this
is Thanksgiving Day ##
I'm Marti Page,
and I'm thankful
that my dad's coming home
for Thanksgiving.