# You're messin'
with the wrong guy ##
Oh, gee, Marie,
you're a stitch.
No, mom's doing
the turkey.
Yeah, dad wants ambrosia,
so I guess we'll get
those miniature marshmallows.
I'll do the crescent rolls,
you do the cranberries.
You know I can't cook.
I'll see you
tomorrow then.
Gobble gobble.
[Imitates Turkey]
Ohh... bye-bye.
Welcome to Marathon.
May I help you?
How may I help you?
You can start by wiping
that fucking dumb-ass smile
off your rosy
fucking cheeks.
Then give me
a fucking automobile.
A fucking Datsun,
a fucking Toyota,
a fucking Buick.
Four fucking wheels
and a seat.