What is your problem?
You insensitive asshole.
There's an injured man
down on the street.
Now, I'll move my car,
but you help him up.
My pleasure.
I had a feeling
that when we parted ways,
somehow, someday,
our paths
would cross again.
Are you all right?
I've never seen
anyone get lifted
by his testicles before.
Lucky thing for you
that cop came when he did.
you'd be lifting your schnutz
to tie your shoes.
I'm sorry.
That's terrible.
You know,
I'm glad I didn't kill you.
I'd be glad if you had.
Oh, you don't mean that.
Remember what I said?
Go with the flow.
How can I when
the rental car agency
leaves me keys
to a car that isn't there,
then I find out they
don't have any more cars?
I got a car,
no sweat at all.
Well, Del,
you're a charmed man.
Oh, I know.
You just go
with the flow.
Like a twig
on the shoulders
of a mighty stream.
# Pulled out
of Pittsburgh #
# Rollin' down
the eastern seaboard #
# I got my diesel
wound up #
# She's runnin'
like never before #
# There's a speed zone
ahead, all right #
# I ain't seen
a cop all night #
# Six days on the road #
# And I'm gonna
make it home tonight... ##