Prince of Darkness

The new life.
Reward ourselves,
punish our enemies...

so we can live without truth.
A substance,
That was the truth.
until now.
Help me break this up.
The others shouldn't hear this.

Faith is a hard thing to come
by these days. Look at this.

That thing down therejust directed
a fairly sizable burst of energy.

In a straight line... with the precision
of less than a millisecond.

Everybody's acting like we should
really be taking this seriously.

You two aren't taking
this seriously, are you?

What are we supposed to do?
Just go back to work?

What would you rather have,
a wreath of garlic?

A benediction?
A crucifix?

Then it really is Old Scratch
knocking at the door.

A few minutes ago, a vibration was triggered
in the metal on that thing downstairs.

A strong one.
Some kind of...

kinetic emission came out of it.
Now, if it can transmit
a signal strong enough...

It can move other objects...
instantaneously across a distance...
Without outside intervention.
Mind-directed energy.
Don't tell the others yet.
Why not?

They have a right to know that this...
that it... it's conscious.
