I didn't mean "ruined" ruined.
We're poor, but happy.
But definitely poor.
Isn't this a beautiful sea bass?
Who wants to join me, hmm?
By now, you've
probably guessed...
that the Masked Avenger's
secret compartment ring...
meant a lot to me.
Well, it did.
Because they were gold
and mysterious...
and they fit any finger.
The box top, I already had.
But the 15 cents was hard
to come by in those days.
I tried not thinking about it...
but it was very hard
to keep off my mind.
And the masts and the sail.
You even have to work
with the tweezers...
to get some
of the small stuff in.
I'll pass it around.
That was lovely, Evelyn.
Arnold, why don't you
come up...
and show the class
what you have?
Just go stand right over there.
Go ahead.
I found this
on my parents' night table.
That will be enough!
You go sit down!
What did I do?
You told me to bring something.
Put that thing in your pocket
and sit down!
Ross, why don't you
come up here?
You have something suitable
to show the class, don't you?
Yes, I do.
Very good. Stand right here.
This is my Masked Avenger
secret compartment ring.
It's very special to me.
Now basically,
I was an honest kid.
But there are some things
in life...
that are just too compelling.
That afternoon at Hebrew school,
a scheme occurred to me.
Next week, we are going
to issue collection boxes...
and each of you will be
asked to go out in the street...
and collect funds
for the promotion...
of a new state in Palestine.
Hey, can you give
to the Jewish National Fund...
and help us build a homeland
in Palestine? Please? No?
Hey, how about you?
Can you give to
the Jewish National Fund?
Can you help us? Anything?
Hey, how about--
Can you? Can you? No? Oh.
Give to
the Jewish National Fund?
Hey, can you give us--
Hey, excuse me.
Can you--give it to me,
please. Thank you.
Guys, we got enough here
to get Masked Avenger rings...
and an ice-cream soda.
We gotta leave some
for Palestine.
Why should we leave anything
for Palestine?