The following year...
Kirby Kyle was run over
by a truck and killed.
The following season...
he won 18 games...
in the Big League in the sky.
This has been Bill Kern...
with another
favorite sports legend.
Well, to tell you the truth,
you look pretty good.
While uncle Abe loved
the "Bill Kern Sports Show"...
his wife Ceil adored a very
prominent ventriloquist.
And this always used
to drive Abe crazy.
He's a ventriloquist
on the radio.
How do know he's
not moving his lips?
Who cares?
Leave me alone.
Ceil and Abe's daughter Ruthie
had her own favorite program.
Naturally, it was one
of those romantic boy crooners.
She and her girlfriends used
to sit and swoon endlessly...
over the sentimental lyrics
and velvety voice.
The local boys, of course,
were all a little jealous...
and they used
to look on disgustedly...
thinking the girls
were real jerks.
And now, ladies and gentlemen...
the makers of General
Spark Plugs bring you...
"The Court of Human Emotions"...
with world famous counselor
on affairs of the human heart...
Thomas Abercrombie.
And now, my friends--
My mother and father
loved to hear the show...
where ordinary people
were helped...
with their personal problems.
Six years ago, his mother
came to live with us...
and she won't leave
and he won't throw her out.
Claire, how can I throw
my own mother out?
What do you mean?
You grab her by the throat...
and throw her out.
Oh, just like that.
Just like that.
Grab her by the throat
and throw her out.
Why don't you just get
a knife and stick it in here?
That's what
you should do.
I'm not gonna stick
any knife anywhere!