Thank you.
Where are you
gonna dump her body?
I'll dump her body
in Jersey, Mama.
4:00 in the morning...
you want to dump
her body in Jersey?
Dump her in Red Hook.
Look, these shrimps
are nice and fresh.
I made them today.
Listen, I ain't
gonna squeal. Honest.
I can keep a secret.
I know everything about
everybody on Broadway.
Really. Places I've worked.
I got secrets on everybody.
Think I go around talking?
But what do you do?
She sings, Mama.
Oh, yeah? That's nice.
Yeah, that's right.
I can act, too.
I'd just do anything
to get on radio.
I'd be happy to give
the weather report...
or interview people.
I think I'm a natural.
I'm a great dancer.
But you can't dance on radio!
I know, 'cause
they can't see you.
I know.
Wait. Wait.
Come here, Rocco.
Come here. Come here.
I got to tell you something.
You come over here with me.
Listen to me.
You don't have to fear.
Don't worry about that girl...
because she's
not too fast up here.
She wouldn't make no trouble.
Yeah. Well, I feel
sorry for her, Mama.
She wants to get
into radio so badly...
I think some men
take advantage--
She's so pretty.
Listen to me.
Then your cousin Angelo
could help her.
Yes, because he knows
everybody on radio.
He could get her
any little part...
because they owe him
this favor.
All right.
Now they not only decide
not to bump Sally off...
but they get a relative
to ask an unrefusable favor...
on her behalf.
I don't know if people
were bribed or threatened...
but the result was that
she suddenly found herself...
with a big acting part...
on a very serious
dramatic radio show...
that was doing Chekhov.
Now here's the payoff
to the story.
The country never
got to hear her act...
because at the last minute,
fate stepped in.
The Japanese have bombed
Pearl Harbor.
Earlier this morning...
a surprise attack
was made on our naval base...
with enormous casualties
to the United States.
We are pre-empting
this show to bring you...