and maybe I'll ask
him back here...
although I don't want to seem
too forward on the first date.
You really like this guy, huh?
Oh, I like him so much.
Well, we'll say
a prayer for you...
and then, maybe this time
next year, you'll look like me.
Hey, you know what
I was thinkin', Tess?
If I could learn engraving
and buy a machine.
Not another "get rich" scheme.
I could make a few dollars
engraving, let me tell you.
Hey. Now, let me tell
you the beauty part.
Yeah? I'm waiting.
When you engrave gold rings
and lockets, you know...
what you cut out
when you make the letters...
falls down on the table
and accumulates.
-lt's gold dust.
-Forget it, will you?
It'll be like all
the other ideas.
Gold dust, Tess,
and the engraver owns it!
Hold my wool.
If it's a girl, I thought
we could name it Lola.
Lola? What do you want
her to be, a stripper?
And if it's a boy, Lionel?
No son of mine is
gonna be named Lionel.
I want an "L" name
after my Uncle Louie.
Oh, your Uncle Louie.
How about louse?
The news is not good tonight.
Reports are that
Nazi tank divisions...
are pushing American
infantrymen back...
in furious armored warfare.
Meanwhile, on the second front,
Japanese have taken control...
of two more islands
in the Philippines...
and are advancing on American...
This is John Jenkins,
broadcasting from London...
and the bombs are falling
even as we speak.
And the morale of the boys
is good here in Guadalcanal...
despite heavy losses.
What do you think, Martin?
You think Hitler's gonna win?
Sometimes I wonder
about the wisdom...
of bringing new life into
the world, I'll tell you that.
Come on. Lights out.
It's blackout.
Oh, God.
Another air raid drill.
Between the Nazis and the
Communists, give me those Reds.
Stick to your fish.
What do they want, those Nazis--
to slaughter everyone
on the planet?
The Nazis, the Communists.
The world would be better off
without any of them, believe me.
Come here. You know what
W.C. Fields said, don't you?
He said, to settle a war...