Raising Arizona

They say
he's a decent man, so...

[ Click ]
maybe his advisers are confused.
ED: Turn to the right.
What's the matter, Ed?
My "fy-ance" left me.
HI: She said her fiance
had run off...

with a student cosmetologist...
who knew how to ply
her feminine wiles.

The sumbitch.
Don't forget his phone call, Ed.

Tell him
I think he's a damn fool, Ed.

You tell him I said so--
H.I. McDunnough.
If he wants to discuss it,
he knows where to find me--

in the Maricopa County
Maximum Security...

Correctional Facility For Men...
State Farm Road Number
Thirty-one, Tempe, Arizona!

I'll be waitin'!
I'll be waitin'.
HI: I can't say I was happy
to be back inside...

but the flood of familiar
sights, sounds, and faces...

almost made it feel
like a homecoming.

Most men your age are getting
married and raising a family.

Well, factually--
SCHWARTZ: They wouldn't accept
prison as a substitute.

Would any of you men
care to comment?

GALE: Well...
sometimes your career
has got to come before family.

Work's what's kept us happy.

HI: I tried to sort through
what Doc Schwartz had said...

but prison ain't
the easiest place to think.

CELLMATE: When there was
no meat, we ate fowl.

When there was no fowl,
we ate crawdad.

When there was no crawdad
to be found, we ate sand.

- You ate what?
- We ate sand.

- You ate sand?
- That's right.

MAN: Well, Hi, you done served
your twenty months...

and seeing as how you never use
live ammo...

we got no choice
but to return you to society.

These doors gonna swing wide.

I didn't want
to hurt anyone, sir.

SECOND MAN: Hi, we respect that.
MAN: But you're just
hurting yourself...
