Raising Arizona

except Ed was waiting
at the end of every day...

and a paycheck
at the end of every week.

Government do take a bite,
don't she?

HI: These were the happy days--
the salad days, as they say.
Ed felt that having a critter
was the next logical step.

It was all she thought about.
Her point was that there was
too much love and beauty...

for just the two of us...
and every day we kept a child
out of the world...

was a day he might later regret
having missed.

ED: That was beautiful.
HI: So we worked at it
on the days we calculated...

most likely to be fruitful...
and we worked at it most
other days, just to be sure.

Ed rejoiced that my lawless
years were behind me...

and that our child-rearing years
lay ahead.

[ Siren ]
And then the roof caved in.
ED: Hi...
I'm barren!
At first I didn't believe it...

that this woman
who looked as fertile...

as the Tennessee Valley...
could not bear children.
But the doctor explained
that her insides...

were a rocky place where my seed
could find no purchase.

Ed was inconsolable.
We tried an adoption agency.
ED: It's true that Hi
has had a checkered past.

HI: But Ed here is an officer
of the law twice decorated...

so we figure
it kind of evens out.

HI: But biology
and the prejudices of others...

conspired to keep us childless.
Our love for each other
was stronger than ever...

but I premonised no return
of the salad days.

The pizzazz
had gone out of our lives.
