GALE: And as per usual,
I wouldn't be surprised...
if the source of the marital
friction weren't financial.
HI: As a matter of fact...
I did lose my job today.
EVELLE: Oh, Hi, you're young
and got your health.
What do you want with a job?
GALE: I'd rather light a candle
than curse your darkness.
Now, as you know...
Evelle and I never go anywhere
without there's a purpose.
And here we are
in your little domicile.
We come to invite you in
on a little score.
- A bank, H.I.
- Come on, now!
GALE: I know you're partial
to convenience stores...
but damn it, H.I...
the sun don't rise and set
on the corner grocery.
It's like Doc Schwartz says.
You got to have
a little ambition.
We just watchin' on the news...
how somebody went and snatched
one of them Arizona babies.
HI: Oh, for Christ's sakes.
EVELLE: That's somebody
who's thinking big.
GALE: Here you are
sitting on your butt...
playing house with a--
don't get me wrong--
with a fine woman...
but a woman
who needs a button-down type.
I don't particularly think
that's any of your--
GALE: Hold on, H.I.
Now looky there.
That's a picture of El Dorado.
GALE: The locals call it...
the Farmers & Mechanics Bank
of La Grange.
Looks like a hayseed bank.
To tell you the truth,
it is a hayseed bank...
except the last Friday
of every financial quarter...
there's more cash in that bank
than flies at a barbecue.
Guess what day it is tomorrow?
When all the hayseeds come in...
and cash
their farm subsidies checks.
A-1 information.
Got it in the joint
from Lawrence Spivy...
one of Dick Nixon's
Undersecretary of Agriculture.
He's in for soliciting sex
from a state trooper.
Ordinarily we don't
associate with that type...
but he was trying to make
a few brownie points.